Carbon Reduction Plan & Sustainable Practice

We are a net-zero practice, ISO9001, 14001 accredited and UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) members, passionate about sustainability and helping our clients achieve net-zero targets. We are signatories of the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge.

Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Floyd Slaski Architects Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emission by 2050.

Floyd Slaski is deeply committed to be sustainably responsible for all our carbon emissions and is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in our line of work. Therefore, we have put in measures and checkpoints to ensure we reach our goals.

We are proud to be ISO 14001 certified for environmental management, which proves our dedication to creating a positive impact on the environment and aides us in reducing our environmental footprint.

We implement (business) SMART goals for carbon reduction, waste management and energy efficiency based on PAS2060, utilising Notch(formerly known as CBN EXPERT PROFESSIONAL), full scope reporting software.  We are actively reporting all our scope 2 and scope 3 emissions as accurately as possible. With the help of the CBN Expert platform we have been able to successfully record our GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions since April 2021. By reporting our emissions, we have been able to track and monitor our carbon usage.

We continue to expand our knowledge and engage with likeminded individuals by being members of UKGBC. This community provides the opportunity for us to impart our knowledge whist also learn from industry experts about the latest technologies and advancements within different sectors.

Floyd Slaski has reduced its electric energy consumption per staff by over 75% (of 2018’s usage) from 379kWh/employee/year to 102kWh/employee/year within the past 6 years. We are continuously learning about our consumption needs as a unit and together we discover where we can make meaningful cuts.

We are passionate about our role in enabling environmental change. We are a low-carbon office of cyclists, walkers and public-transport users, are as excited about the potential for change as we are concerned in its lacking pace.

We are constantly reminded of our impact on the environment as an architectural practice. Hence, we have put in place an achievable carbon reduction plan for the coming year and have set ourselves long terms goals.

To go beyond net-zero we offset 60 tonnes CO2e in 2023.

We invested time choosing software, calculating footprints and researching offsetting. We are keen to share our knowledge with clients.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

In our baseline year we have reported the following figures:

Current Emissions Reporting

In our most recent reporting year, we have reported the following figures:

Emissions reduction targets:

In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets for the following term: April 2023 – March 2024.

Carbon Reduction Projects

  1. Floyd Slaski has been certified by the Environmental Management System ISO14001.

  2. Floyd Slaski does not own any business vehicles and promotes the use of public transport.

  3. Floyd Slaski further promotes reduction of emissions by limiting business travel through the use of digital platforms to conduct meetings, to avoid travelling to site when unnecessary.

  4. Similarly, Floyd Slaski embraces working from home 20% of each month, thus reducing employee travel to and from our head office.

  5. Floyd Slaski also encourages and supports the cycling to work lifestyle.

  6. In June of 2023, Floyd Slaski has offset 60tonnes CO2e via the Woodland Fund with Carbon Neutral Britain.

  7. Floyd Slaski offers the Bike2Work Scheme to all staff .

  8. As part of our expansion plan we have identified a location that allows staff to commute via carbon neutral options, which also strategically reduces commute travel distance and time between office and site.

In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:

  1. Floyd Slaski plans to continue to offset 100% (or more) of our annual carbon emissions, and plan to continue to reduce any carbon emissions where possible.

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healthcare, architects, medical, architecture, hospital, design, NHS, architecture, planning, interior, design, health, awareness, mental health, data, archi, render, urban, landscape, modern, united kingdom, uk, sustainability
healthcare, architects, medical, architecture, hospital, design, NHS, architecture, planning, interior, design, health, awareness, mental health, data, archi, render, urban, landscape, modern, united kingdom, uk, sustainability
healthcare, architects, medical, architecture, hospital, design, NHS, architecture, planning, interior, design, health, awareness, mental health, data, archi, render, urban, landscape, modern, united kingdom, uk, sustainability

Sustainable Practice

As a small office within a small shared building (and being largely paperless) there is not sufficient waste generated to justify regular recycling collections. We therefore collect paper in sacks and store until there is enough to justify a call out in both our locations.

Our policy for personal food and drink container recycling is for all staff to carry home their waste for domestic recycling. This is because there is not enough food and drink container waste generated to justify regular collections, and sacks cannot be held for long periods due to rodent and odour risk. All staff have bought into our policies.

We hold weekly CPDs, regularly including sustainability & Net Zero topics & we have access to UKGBC events & training. We investigate & embrace new technologies, software design tools (eg One Click LCA life cycle assessment tool) & collaborate with engineers & other specialists to design the lowest carbon buildings & achieve the highest assessment outcomes.

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off HAL JONES/DIRECTOR

Signed on behalf of Floyd Slaski Architects Ltd

Hal Jones

Publication Date: 4 July 2024