2020 - London UK
Hal Jones - Previous Practice
Hilton London Metropole
90 million new build plus refurbish-ment for Laing. The complex included 360 bedrooms, 2 x 2000 seat conference halls and two basement car park levels making it the largest hotel and conference centre in Europe. Responsibilities included:
From stage E - extremely space tight structure and services coordination. Interface coordination with the cladding team, cat A and fit out architects. With the bakerloo line running beneath the entire steel frame superstructure sits on anti vibration pads.
For the final year of the project, the entire project team including contractor, hotel client, consult-ants and sub contractors worked from site offices. Work included sub contractor design coordina-tion through to snagging and site inspections with building control and O&M manual contributions.
Contract Completion
Contract Value
£70 million
Structure And Services
General Arrangement Coordinator
Site Architect